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Re: filmscanners: Re: computers, scanners

Alex wrote:
>RG> Define "quality".  The Nikon IV ED is 4000dpi which is higher resolution
>RG> than a standard Photo CD.
>Sorry, but it is 2900dpi. Coolscan 4000 ED is
>4000dpi, but IV ED unfortunately is not.

Oops.  I had it stuck in my head that *all* the new Nikons were 4000dpi.
 Sorry!  Anyway, there's arguments for and against doing the scanning yourself
or using Photo CDs, regardless of the resolution of the scanner.  Ultimately
it's probably most significant how much *time* you can devote to scanning,
because paying dollars and sending films away to get CDs back requires a
lot less effort.  I've spent enough sleepless nights feeding my scanner


Rob Geraghty harper@wordweb.com


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