I gotten excellent results from 6 to7 meg jpegs. But that wasn't by choice.
A client received scans of his catalog pages (for no charge) from the
printer and they were able to fit all 40 pages on one CD. My intended use
was for the web so even if there were compression defects it wouldn't have
been noticed.
I think it falls back on the lab fulfilling their contract. A 50 meg
uncompressed tif is 50 megs in size. You can only fit 13 on a CD. Maybe
they thought they could save a few pennies by fitting the whole job on one
CD. Strange, because the original scan should have been created in an
uncompressed native format. It seems that they should have worked the
arrangements out in advance.
> > I've just had my 6x7 trannies scanned by a lab specialising in digital. I
> > paid for a 50MB scan and got a 7MB jpeg back.
Larry Berman
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