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Re: filmscanners: Re: Scanning problems

WRGill wrote:
> If what you say abouut TIFF being the way to go, why then
> are the Majority of Labs still scanning to the JPEG format?
> Would like an explantion, as I am still amazed with digital
> imaging proceedures.

My guess is a combination of ignorance and probably a desire to fit more
images on a CD.  Put simply - if you want the best quality scans, insist
that the files they provide are in TIFF (uncompressed or LZW compressed)
format, and go elsewhere if they refuse.  Be prepared to pay for the cost
of writing the files on CDR.


PS Please turn off the HTML setting in your email program and send messages
in plain text.  The people who receive the digest version of the list get
HTML as a heap of unreadable tags.

Rob Geraghty harper@wordweb.com


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