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Re: filmscanners: Re: Scanning problems

I downloaded these previously and now compared them - looking specifically
at the leather bag in the middle and the violet background of the square to
it's right (at 300%) , I see better color saturation in the tiff and finer
color gradations in the tiff - the jpeg violet seems to convert into black
in the area where the tiff has different tones of violet, and there are more
tones/shades of brown in the bag in the tiff.

I see the same in the shoulders and underarm areas of the 3d baby from the
left, and in the lips of the baby on the far right.

Blowing both up to 1600%, looking at the orange part of the block on the
left, top shelf, the gradations of orange in the tiff are closer to each
other than in the jpeg.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Colin Maddock" <cmaddock@clear.net.nz>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 2:54 PM
Subject: filmscanners: Re: Scanning problems

| On this tiff - jpeg discussion, I found it interesting to compare the tiff
and jpeg versions of the Photodisc Target, one 40MB and the other 4MB, both
downloadable from ftp://ftp.photodisc.com They are both in Adobe RGB colour
| At 100% display, I don't remember finding any discernible difference,
which surprised (and disappointed!) me.
| Colin Maddock


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