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RE: filmscanners: VueScan suggestion

On Mon, 5 Feb 2001 08:21:16 -0800  shAf (michael@shaffer.net) wrote:

>       Ed's installation may have a reason for over-writing the
> "VUESCAN.INI" file. 

I go to some lengths to make sure I preserve mine, by renaming /Vuescan to 
/Vuescan6.6.0, installing the new version to /Vuescan and copying the .ini file 
from old to new directory after renaming the new .ini file. All the problems 
I've had with VS have arisen from inappropriate .ini settings in new installs 
which caused problems with my particular scanner (marquee madness:)

It would be nice if the installer offered to backup an existing installation 
and then ensured existing settings were inherited in the new .ini file. But 
then that's the sort of clever nonsense the registry was invented for, and as 
we all know, that way lays bloat and madness ;-)


Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info & 


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