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Re: filmscanners: Re: Scanning problems

Sorry, I should have been more specific and explicit. The
context of the discussion was loss of high-bit colour
information (or not) started by someone who expected a 50MB
tif and got a 7MB jpeg. We then wandered off into jpeg
compression viewers.

PSP7 will not read the compressed 48-bit tif files from
Vuescan, saying "a predictor of 2 is only supported on LZW
compression for 8 and 24 bit images."  It's fine for 24-bit
Vuescan compressed or uncompressed tifs.

It will read Vuescan uncompressed tif files (27MB or 55MB
from 2700ppi 35mm), but if you save them in PSP7 you'll
always get an image that's 27MB 24-bit uncompressed (or
smaller using any of its compression methods). This doesn't
bother me, but I thought it might not satisfy everyone,
hence my comment.

In contrast, Photoshop 5LE will save 16-bit per channel
images, compressed or uncompressed. Interestingly, those
compressed images from Photoshop *will* load into PSP7, but
you can only save them as 8-bit per channel, as I understand


Alan T

----- Original Message -----
From: Henk de Jong <hsdejong@worldmail.nl>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: Re: Scanning problems

> Alan wrote:
> > PSP7 only works with 24-bit images, however, and only
> > uncompressed tifs.
> If you choose to save as "Tagged Image File Format
(*.tif,*.tiff)" you have
> a button "Save Options" where you can select:
> "Compression: FAX - CCITT 3, Huffman encoding, LZW
compression, Packbits or
> Uncompressed"
> Only uncompressed tifs? :-)
> __________
> With kind regards,
> Henk de Jong
> The Netherlands
> Email:
> hsdejong@worldmail.nl
> Homepage Nepal - Trekking Around Annapurna - Photo
> http://annapurna.wolweb.nl


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