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RE: filmscanners: Tweaking images in PS6

Thank you Michael and Rob for your advices.

shAf  :o) writes...
>       Regarding editing 16bit (or highbits) versus 8bits and using
>adjustment layers (available in 8bit mode only) ... it is a toss-up.
>If you were editing 12bits or true 16bits, I might go with individual
>highbit adjustments.  However, adjustment layers, if combined only do
>one calculation, and are so darn handy and elegant, especially when
>using masks.  Each image, highbits vs 8bits, and the adjustments
>needed, would need individual attention ... but given only 10bits, I'd
>have a hard time NOT using adjustment layers and 8bits.

If I understood  you right, saving highbit files doesen╢t make to much sense
with an scanner like the LS30. It is more or less just a waste of disk



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