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Re: filmscanners: Vuescan long pass mode

bjs:  Is it appropriate directly to give Ed the name and maker of the program
so he can possibly get it on his own see what you are talking about?  He seems
quite well aware of ICE and GEM and has been able to adjust his program without
violating any proprietary and copyright requirements in that case, yet be able
to improve his own product.

It is one thing to ask someone to look at a scan and then be asked to adjust
his program to correct a possibly solvable problem.  It is yet another to give
him the background information that lets him know why you are saying what you
are and let him figure out how to solve the problem you percieve to be in his


bjs wrote:

> -I have a Pascal program that takes N files at arbitrary exposure levels and
> combines them into one "longpass" result.  It accounts for charge bleeding
> and a number of other issues.  The result has none of the gross errors that
> Vuescan currently shows and works far better.
> I'd give it to Ed but the algorithms are proprietary.
> Byron


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