> > > > What does the phrase "Plus X does not reveal grain" mean?
> > >
> > > Not alegbra;) Plus-X is a Kodak ISO125 B&W film.
> >
> > And...exposed, and developed correctly, scanning it at 5080 or less
> > will not
> > show grain...
> >
> > I prefer D-76 1:1.
> But you want the grain!
> Otherwise you can't claim that the scan has captured all possible detail
> from the negative...
YOU may want the grain, I don't, not when shooting Plus-X. I shoot Tri-X when
I want grain. You do not NEED to resolve down to the grain. It depends on
what size output you want to make. From a 35mm Plus-X negative scanned at
5080, I can make a 20x30 print at 240+ DPI.
No one claimed Plus-X has no grain, of course it does, that's how B&W film
works. But at 5080DPI the grain is not 'resolved' in the scan.
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