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RE: filmscanners: Need feedback on VueScan Improvements

Ed writes ...

> I'm thinking about some improvements to the VueScan
> user interface, and I'd like to solicit feedback and suggestions.
> These are the main things I'm thinking of - ...
> If you have strong feelings about my doing things
> differently, please let me know soon.

        I like these changes ... they seem to better reflect and separate the
2 modes for Vuescan ... (1) the raw scan and (2) subsequent cropping.
I believe they'll allow new users to learm more quickly.

        If I had a wish list, I would (respectfully) suggest:

(1)  The focus number update itself with each "manual focus", allowing
us to check more easily the film's flatness and choose intermediate
values or a value specific to the where detail is important.

(2)  Make the individual RGB blackpoint and whitepoint values more
intuitive.  For example, if the general value reflects the %pixels to
clip to Wp or Bp, then why can't the individual channel values reflect
the same thing(?).

(3)  Also with regard to color balance settings, I don't understand
why, for given brightness and contrast settings, choosing and
experimenting with the different color balance methods (auto, neutral,
white balance, etc) result in such coarse changes to the image.  The
direction in which the color balance changes is understandable, but
whereas a good crop for "white balance" indicated specific brightness
and gamma, I might choose "neutral" for another negative, but given
both negatives were properly exposed, I need to unintuitively alter
brightness and contrast to get the neutral balance right(?)

(4)  I think we all need to come up with how to better set the file
paths ... or maybe I simply need to understand your current philosophy
and experiment more.  But I wish I could consistently store the
settings in a specific location, independent of where I put my
projects.  Can I assume the "default" directory could be considered
the "project" directory, and the locations where all raw, TIFFs and
JPEGs go??

thanx for everything ... shAf  :o)


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