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Re: filmscanners: Need feedback on VueScan Improvements

----- Original Message -----
From: <EdHamrick@aol.com>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 4:56 AM
Subject: filmscanners: Need feedback on VueScan Improvements

| 1) Adding a "Zoom in" and "Zoom out" button that will double
| (or halve) the size of either the preview or scan images.  While
| zoomed, the preview or scan window will have scroll bars.

Very helpful for flatbed users as the image ends up too small when I used my
Epson flatbed (uses the 2X2 frames grid).

| I'll also remove the "Exit" button to free up some space.

Good idea.  It's easy but not necessary.

| 2) Move the Preview and Scan tabs to the left side of the
| window and move all the option tabs to the right side of
| the window.

I would do this the other way around - but then I'm right-handed ;)  It just
seems that most programs have the settings on the top and/or left, and
resulting document, image, or what have you on the bottom and/or right, so
this becomes custormary and intuitive for users.

| 3) Reorganize the tabs on the right side to make them
| a bit more logical and useful (these suggestions came
| from a helpful user):
| Scanner tab. This tab would include Scan From, Mode, Auto Scan, Auto
| Media Type, and Bits Per Pixel from the Device tab; Resolution, Auto
| Auto Exposure, and Number of Passes from the options tab.

I would rename "Mode" to "Device"  but the rest I like

| Color tab. This would include all the items in the current Color tab, plus
| all the items in the Media tab.

Sound fine to me.

| Crop tab. This would include all the options from the current Crop tab
| from the Device tab, the Region, Mirror, Rotate, and Frame numbers

Excellent way to do it.  Rename the tab to Frame or Compose perhaps?  And
maybe add the Size Reduction option to this tab instead of Files tab.  IMHO
a Reduction is more like a Rotate than a file type or dpi spec.

| Files tab. Everything from the current Files tab, along with Size
| Get dpi, and Watermark from the Options tab.

Yes, except for Size Reduction as I mentioned.

| Preferences tab. This would have all the settings from what is now called
| Window tab.

Yes - much clearer.  Or maybe call it the Appearance tab? as crop specs and
file specs are also Preferences, and these options deal with where (in what
program if any) and how you view the resulting image.

Thanks very much for giving us the opportunity to input ideas on this - you
are unique!

Maris Lidaka


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