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Re: filmscanners: Need feedback on VueScan Improvements

Rob Geraghty wrote:
> IMO something like the Microsoft Common Dialog Box would be a great boon
> for setting the paths.  That way it's done visually and you don't have to
> remember or type the text by hand.  I'm talking about interface style when
> I mention the common dialog box - it would increase the size of the install
> to include the actual OCX (comdlg32.ocx, 137KB).
> The common dialog box also allows you to create directories in the process
> of creating the path, which is very handy.

I agree that the dialog box would be a good thing, but I do have to point out
that directory creation already happens, and automatically, if you enter a
pathname into the raw, TIFF, or JPEG file name fields!



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