> Jim Snyder wrote:
>That broad base of users with less than stellar skills will use the tabs
and buttons regardless of where they are on the screen.
I resemble that remark, Jim. ]:(
I'd like to point out that it *is* a "broad base of users" (and no playing
around with the words, Art), and since it is, a smart and conciensious
designer is going to use input from those "less than steller" users to
design a user-friendly product. Wouldn't you think? :-)
It's not quite the same thing as "dumbing down" the program content--it's an
intelligent way to make the GUI more intuitive. If designers designed to
their own level of expertise and their own needs, you'd still be using the
486's and CLI, and I'd be using a more user-friendly.....No-o-o-o, I'm not
gonna say it!
Best regardds--LRA
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