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Re: filmscanners: Anyone using Win2K? Does is manage color like W98SE?

GUYS !!!!

Are you foolished by MS Marketing and Branding policies ?

ME is Windoze 98 full stop.
2000 is NT full stop.

Carrying all the heritages and consequencies of each one. full stop.

So your Mini Morris it will be always a Mini Morris despite you paint it
with a new modern-color
and reshape some minor details of the body.

Microsoft can change the names can spend millions to brand them differently
, but the reality is difficult to change but with long and hard and
expensive WORK !.... and to get what ? ... new customers ? ... just forget
it ... the aim is to milk the customer you have today and avoiding to have
them migrating to other platforms / products.



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----- Original Message -----
From: "Derek Clarke" <derek_c@cix.co.uk>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: Anyone using Win2K? Does is manage color like

> ME is a slight tweak of Windows 98 and hasn't much to do with Windows
> 2000. They share a new unified device driver model, but that merely means
> that you are less likely to find hardware that works on both at the moment
> :-(
> Bigboy9955@aol.com () wrote:
> > In a message dated 03/08/2001 6:42:42 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> > elbow@microsoft.com writes:
> >
> > << "Top 10 Reasons to Move to Windows 2000 Professional":
> >
> > http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/guide/professional/solutions/topten
> > upgr
> >  ade.asp >>
> >
> > I don't run a business or NT workstations and already run WinMe, which
> > to my understanding is the consumer version of Windows 2000
> > Professional.  My point was that maybe MS is pushing 2000 because of
> > its price tag ($300?) or more?  I think it is a case of the "latest and
> > greatest" syndrome even if all (most?) of us don't need it.  Rob
> > already pointed out that 2000, WinMe, and 98SE all have the same color
> > management.  WinMe runs fine for me and doesn't crash at all.  I'm
> > basically trying to let someone convince me why 2000 is better than
> > WinMe, but I may not be "professional" enough to understand.
> > Ed
> >
> >


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