Thanks to those list members who mailed me and asked why the listserver is
sending out old msgs, duplicate msgs etc. I am afraid I haven't a clue, my
control of the list is these days limited to a few emailed commands as it is
run by my ISP. But I am on a couple of other lists, hosted elsewhere, which
have delivered duplicates, and have also received some private email twice.
Something is plainly very screwed up somewhere.
I was just away for 4days on a shoot, and trying to catch up with what is
happening here. Meanwhile, I am getting around 800 bounce msgs PER DAY from
list members who have either
(a)set up some forwarding arrangement which doesn't work - usually because the
address they are forwarding to will not accept the list mails
(b)lost interest, closed email accounts, wandered off
(c)signed up to the list or digest, but fail to clear their POP mailbox
I spent 4hrs trying to trace and unsubscribe offending addresses yesterday and
Sunday, and am getting very fed up with it. There are certain people who keep
on allowing their mbx to overflow, and promptly resubscribe. I intend banning
these addresses in future as they waste so much of my time, so if you want to
And if you don't, please unsubscribe using the method outlined below:-
Unsubscribing from the filmscanners list or digest.
Send an email to:-
Unsubscribe filmscanners emailaddress
in the message body.
To unsubscribe the digest, substitute filmscanners-digest for filmscanners in
the above command, ie
Unsubscribe filmscanners-digest emailaddress
Emailaddress is optional, but allows you to unsubscribe an address which is
different to the one you are sending from. This is useful if you are using
forwarding or aliasing to an address which is different to the one you
subscribed from.
Tony Sleep - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info &