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Re: filmscanners: To clean/wash old negatives on glass ?

Ethol sells an anti-static film cleaner. I use it on my negatives and get
good results. I'm not sure how effective it would be with glass negatives,
but it is gentle and evaporates cleanly. For scratches or water residue
stains/deposits, I've found Edwal's No Scratch to be effective. It works
best if you spread it very thinly (a small amount goes a long way) over the
scratch or "stained" area. If there are multiple areas (unfortunately, this
sometimes happens) you can also spread it over the entire surface of the
negative, again very thinly. To wash off the No Scratch, I use Ethol's film
cleaner -- usually about 2 to 4 applications.


-----Original Message-----
From: Maris V. Lidaka, Sr. <mlidaka@ameritech.net>
To: filmscanners@halftone.co.uk <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Date: Saturday, March 17, 2001 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: To clean/wash old negatives on glass ?

>NO - NO - NO - not the chemical products for the windows.  You might check
>the archives as cleaning film has been discussed here recently, but the
>suggestions essentially were:
>Photo cleaning fluid - Kodak's was found to be not particularly effective
>but a product called PEC-12 was.  If you photo store does not carry it I
>have saved the message where the manufacturer (a Mom-and-Pop operation) was
>Dry anti-static cloths - but be very careful with these and test the on
>something else first.  Cloths for household cleaning were being used but
>many of them have chemicals in them which could smear and/or further damage
>the negative.  They are essentially for cleaning dust off, not the stuff
>Compressed air - again for dust.
>A sticky roller especially manufactured for film cleaning.
>I guess, for your situation, I would try the PEC-12 if available or the
>Kodak or other film cleaner if not.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Ezio" <ezio@iname.com>
>To: "Film Scanners News Group" <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
>Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 4:24 AM
>Subject: filmscanners: To clean/wash old negatives on glass ?
>| Dears, after many months of 0 activity on digital photography ... I have
>| started again and hence here I am to bother you all ... I beg your
>| but I need your valuable help and advices.
>| I have found some negatives (B/W) on glass 4'x6' (inches) and I am trying
>| scan them using a flatbed HP 6200 and Vuescan 7.0 .
>| The very first problem I have found is that the negatives are
>| DIRTY , spots, shadows of liquids (humidity condensed ? ) etc. ...
>| SO ! how do you suggest to clean/wash them ?
>| May I use some chemical products I have at home to clean/wash the windows
>| ... alcool , and some other shining chemicals + soft paper ?
>| OR should I try to used distilled water only ?
>| I want to avoid to waste these old glasses .... they are family portraits
>| and I am sentimentally involved with this stuff.
>| My goal is to print them after having scanned and worked with PS.
>| Sincerely.
>| Ezio
>| www.lucenti.com  e-photography site


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