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Re: filmscanners: Canon FS2710 and Windows 2000 SCSI not working


The Vuescan homepage says that you need a driver called ASPI and an address 
to download it from. Have you tried it?!



On Saturday 17 March 2001 20:14, you wrote:
> I had my Canon 2710 working on Windows 2000 at an earlier date with much
> screwing around with it but after reloading my PC after a crash I can not
> get it to go for the life of me. My machine recognizes the scanner by name
> and I do the quirky install per Canon's instructions
> http://www.usa.canon.com/camcambin/filmscanner/fs2710dl.html
> and when I install there software it says SCSI device not found or
> something along those lines. Some problem with VueScan.
> Does anyone have this running on Windows 2000? If so maybe you can help me
> out by letting me know what you did.
> I have the SCSI card that came with it. I believe it is an adaptec ava
> 2904e. I do have the latest drivers.
> Thanks for any help I really appreciate it.
> Sam
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