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RE: filmscanners: Grain removal and aliasing

This is certainly an understandable answer, if not a solution, since I'm
"locked in" to the 2700ppi format for awhile.

If I may be so naive to ask: What is a "pel size?" I get the idea that
"sympathetic vibration" is in play here.

Best regards--LRA

------Original Message------
From: TonySleep@halftone.co.uk (Tony Sleep)
To: filmscanners@halftone.co.uk
Sent: March 23, 2001 4:02:00 AM GMT
Subject: RE: filmscanners: Grain removal and aliasing

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001 13:24:56 +1030  Mark Thomas (markthom@camtech.net.au)

>  It may be a pipe-dream, but I figure that as *I* can easily
> recognise and describe the difference between grain-aliasing and real
> information, there should be a way for a programming technique or plug-in
> to do likewise.

You'll find it easier to (a)change the film, or (b)get a higher resolution
scanner. Grain aliasing seems to be a particular problem of ~2700ppi
because of the proximity of pel size to grain size. I've never seen much of
at all from the Polaroid 4000. It will be interesting to see if the new
also escapes the problem. It should, but maybe LED lightsource and possibly
sharper optics may cancel some of the advantage.


Tony Sleep

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