I've been trawling in the archive
(http://phi.res.cse.dmu.ac.uk/htdig) for the discussion I
remember here 3-4 months ago about Kodak's "Supra" neg
films, with allegedly good characteristics for scanning, and
a protective layer. The conclusions were ambiguous then.
Like Michael Wilkinson who's reported here lately, I've been
suffering from scratches and muck on my negs, but also
grain/aliasing on my 2700dpi Scanwit. Ed Hamrick's website
actually recommends Kodak Supra 400 with a link to an
enthusiast's website.
My local Jessops' photographic chain store doesn't stock
Supra 400, but will order it up at about 25 ukpounds for a
5-pack of 135-36. This is several times the price of the
cheapo supermarket 400ASA neg film I generally use. Despite
the 'grain' problems I'm usually happy with the results, but
I hate the scratches & muck. Many of the scratches look to
me as though they're due to post-handling of the negs
(enprinting & bagging).
Since our last discussion, has anyone here been using Kodak
Supra 400, and scanning it? Does the extra hardening work as
scratch protection?
Alan T