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Re: filmscanners: Repro house skirmishing (long)

> Having said this, I believe that you can use the Premium Glossy
Paper in the
> Epson 1200 printer without any of the benefits that were supposedly
> to it when used with the new dye based inks of the 1270/870.
Basically, the
> way I understand it, the paper in both the old and the new
formulation was
> designed so as to accept and sublimate the new dye based OEM inks
> than the old Epson Photo Paper was able to handle these new OEM inks
> paper base was also alleged to be whiter than the older Photo
Paper); thus
> it would only show its benefits (archival or otherwise) over the
> Epson Photo Paper when used in conjunction with the new dye based
OEM inks.

Yes, but several knowledgeable folks have suggested that certain ink
"receivers" will essentially encapsulate the dyes, protecting and
prolonging them.  This quality benefits dye inks in general.  Did you
know for example that Ilford Archiva dye inks are only "archival" with
this class of papers?  I expect oem 1160 and 1200 dyes will both prove
to be prolonged with PGPP.  I also wouldn't be surprised if 1160 and
1200 oem ink turns out to be less of an "orange fader" than 1270 dye,
but to my knowledge these suppositions haven't been tested yet.

> Hence, given the purpose that you would be using the inkjet print
> archival quality is not a major significant factor as long as the
damn thing
> does not turn orange within a month or two; moreover, since there
are few
> other features other than a whiter base that you could obtain from
> Premium Glossy Photo Paper over the Epson Photo Paper when used with
> 1200, I do not think the Premium Glossy Photo Paper (EPGPP) would be
of any
> benefit to you.

I have to disagree here on the basis that a professional photographer
has to send out a professional looking product, even if it will not
repro better.  Epson Photo Paper just doesn't make the grade, plus it
has an easily abraded surface.  In addition PGPP is capable of better
photographic result, even if only measurably small.  The subjective
difference however is large.



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