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Re: filmscanners: Still Having Trouble with Win2K

Hi Mike,

It's actually happening either with OptiCal on or off. You can definitely 
see that OptiCal is loading because the monitor changes color as the splash 
screen flashes.

But then again, it isn't the color temperature which worries me, it's the 
fact that the monitors seem to be running at less than 16 bit color. When I 
change it to16 bit color on my Win98SE system, the color picker looks 
better than 32 bit color on my Win2K system.

I posted earlier about the physical differences in the Dell Trinitron 
monitors. I think my next step is to get Dell to send me the same 21 inch 
monitor that my Win98SE system has. It looks much better than the P series 
Trinitrons, which look colder and don't seem to be capable of 32 bit color. 
Maybe they're optimized for Word and Excel, since they come from the small 
business division.

If the different monitors don't solve the problem I'll reformat and install 
Win98SE on my new machine and try that before returning the system. I've 
never encountered a problem that I couldn't solve (or live with) in Win98SE.

Thanks for your reply,


>the one thing that occurs to me is the color temp that you have the monitors
>set for... could your new Dells somehow be overriding the color temp you have
>them set for when you do your color calibration? Are they perhaps going into a
>monitor profile different from the one you are creating?

Larry Berman




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