On Sat, 31 Mar 2001 22:19:58 -0800 Arthur Entlich (artistic@ampsc.com) wrote:
> Now, a "new" problem is
> making the rounds. Apparently the depth of field at the film plane is
> so limited (probably due to the low illumination level of the LEDS
> forcing Nikon to use a larger open lens) that normal film
> curvature/slide mount distortion is enough to knock the image out of
> focus around the edges. This is a major problem, IMHO.
Not new, but has been present occasionally with all previous Nikon scanners
presented with not-very-flat film. 4000ppi is going to make it more apparent,
but the real solution is .. flatter film! Drying and storage are responsible.
Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner info &