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Re: filmscanners: AcerScanwit

Tony wrote:
> Sorry, I have no direct (test) evidence about this, and it appears a
> prejudicial comment. Whether qualitatively inferior to other
> of ICE (as some have said), I don't know, but the extra pass for IR is

Well, it is most definitely slower. And Ed Hamrick says that, due to
scanning IR in a separate pass, and due to the design of the carrier/motor,
there is a chance for misregistration when combining the RGB and IR passes
together. I can say that so far I've scanned over 100 slides and seen no
evidence of this yet.

Given that the film I've been trying to scan is old, dusty, scratched, and
not flat, all of the topic lately on glass carriers, cleaning film, etc.
have been very helpful. I've been cleaning the film with PEC-12 and
remounting the slides in Pakon plastic mounts, giving it a blast of
compressed air, and then scanning. I am still having problems with nonflat
film though -- the focus seems a little soft. I am going to get a few glass
mounts and see if it helps any, or if it's something I have to live with.

Other than Acer's incredibly bad tech support and buggy software (see my
earlier post), I've been quite happy with the 2740S, especially with VueScan
and the GIMP. I think it's a good value for the money.

Todd Radel - thr@schwag.org

SCHWAG.ORG - Where Freaks and Geeks Come Together

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