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re: filmscanners:Focusing with Acer Scanwit WAS SS4000

If you use VueScan you can certainly manually enter focus values.

With the new version 7.0.10 and a better alignment for multipass scans I'm 
going to try with a negative that is grain aliased badly in skin tones a 
multipass scan with focus set to SCAN so the multiple images are focused at 
slightly different values and observe the difference.


 >>  I can!  I'm experimenting with many different ways to help with 
 >>  grain-aliasing on neg's on my Acer 2720, and de-focussing can 
 >>  help..  Because the Acer does not have manual focus, I have to trick it by
 >>  using a dummy frame, but it can be done..  It's not the holy grail, but it
 >>  is one more useful tool.


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