On Fri, 06 Apr 2001 22:06:09 -0400 Larry Berman (larry@bermanart.com)
> Review of the new Nikon CoolScan 4000 at the Imaging Resource
> Newsletter:
> http://www.imaging-resource.com/IRNEWS/
I shouldn't be bitchy about competition, but this does include some
amazing revelations:
"The LS-4000 ED is a FireWire/IEEE 1394 device, a virtual necessity (at a
400-Mbps transfer rate) due to the enormous amounts of data it can
"Preview scans took 20-40 seconds, full-resolution scans required about
100 seconds to create a 67-MB (!) file."
= a data transfer rate average of 670k/sec. OK, the scanner is probably
doing carrier-positioning and AF and other stuff for a good proportion of
that time, so the data rate is probably somewhere between 1.5Mb/s and
2.5Mb/s = exactly the same as most other scanners working over SCSI or (at
the lower rate) USB. So the first sentence is complete b*ll*cks then.
"And the LED light source is also somewhat collimated, meaning its light
waves travel in relatively straight lines."
Gosh. Presumably Nikon have developed LED's which avoid generating the
extreme gravitational fields found in other scanners, that also causes
Saturn rings of debris orbiting round your house and sticking to the film.
"Overall, there's no question that the LS-4000 ED sets a new standard for
desktop scanners in the sub-$2,000 category.
In all our prior film scanner reviews, the highest resolution we'd
encountered was about 2800 dpi."
Oh dear. Now I remember why I started reviewing FS...
Tony Sleep
http://www.halftone.co.uk - Online portfolio & exhibit; + film scanner
info & comparisons