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filmscanners: Minolta has poor warranty service

Here is a follow-up on Minolta's warranty service quality:  it sucks.

My scanner developed a problem after 20 or 30 scans, when it began leaving a
cyan toned line across the long dimension of the image.  It appeared that
the CCD had a few pixels fail or maybe some crud on them.  A couple people
on this list suggested that I try putting the scanner on its side; tapping
it; blowing some dust off into it (with care).  I did those things and
nothing changed.  I called Minolta and got somebody right away, no problem,
and they said to send it in and it would be covered.  So far, so good.

I sent the scanner back to them at a cost of $15.35 for shipping and
insurance on 4/6/01.  I sent them not only a description of the problem, but
a print that showed the problem clearly, with an arrow pointing to the cyan
line.  It could not have been more obvious.

I received it back from them on 4/18/01, and although it took 12 days to get
it back, I was thrilled.  They indicated that they exchanged the ROM-IC
(whatever that is) and checked the scan functions, and that they did
"repair, clean & adjust to factory specifications."

I tested the scanner and it is exactly the same as it was when I sent it to
them.  Obviously, they never tested the scanner after making whatever
adjustments they might have made, since they would have seen the problem.
To be absolutely sure, I rechecked a couple negatives with a loupe, and
there was no problem with my negatives.

Shame on you Minolta!



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