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filmscanners: scanner dilemma

I recently sold my Canoscan 2710 in order to make way
for a new film scanner. I am strictly an amatuer
photographer, so in shopping for a new scanner, I have
less need for a high volume production model than a
high image quality model, though more of each is

My  initial survey of the market led me towards the
new Nikon Coolscan IV largely for it's ICE^3
capability, and I figure that Genuine Fractals will
help offset the lower resolution compared to some
newer models out there. I am concerned about two
issues with the IV, however: namely that it uses the
USB interface, and it doesn't support native
multisampling (although I will guess that Vuescan will
allow it by moving the film as it did with my Canon).
But using Vuescan means I give up Digital ROC and GEM
(but adds it's own version of ICE). The Coolscan
4000ED of course alleviates these concerns at
approximately double the price (stretching my budget).

I have been considering the new Canon 4000, which has
an ICE-like feature, but no ROC or GEM. The Polaroid
SS4000, also looks tempting, as do the Kodak RFS 3600
and the Minolta Dimage Elite.

I shoot 35mm exclusively, slides and negs about
equally, and have a few hundred old negatives that
need help (faded and scratched). As I said, I am not a
high  volume user, this is totally a hobby. That said,
the high speed and high quality filmterms for Kodak
film that the RFS has seems a plus, even though the
software seems reportedly to be annoying.

I would love to hear any thoughts/advice on how I
should make a decision; user experiences are
invaluable. I'm willing to spend the money for the
4000ED, but it really needs to fight that price hard
to overcome such a cost disadvantage. I would like to
purchase by late May-mid June, to have it on hand when
two vacations I'm taking will finish.



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