Subject: re: filmscanners: Acer Scanwit 2720s vs 2740s vs
HP s20
In response to the question about the Scanwit 2740 cost, it might be
worth mentioning that there's been a guy on Ebay selling new ones for some
time now. They seem to come in for under $500. He's also offering some
I must have missed a few emails on this discussion; and I am new at this
group, and particularly also regarding scanners.
Bottomline across-the-board educated conclusions are highly welcome on
the following equipment:
1. For home-small office use, roughly under $500 (400 UK?), considering all
the compromises or not, the best of the 35mm scanners.
2. The best of the inkjet printers, normal width is acceptable, wide
carriage is less of a consideration (I think?).