Pat Ed's GEM is his own. If not he would be in a lot of legal trouble
by now.
To use the grain remover you have to have an infrared channel in the
scanner, that is why the ASF functions are specific to certain
scanners. The ROC is also his and is apparently not dependent upon the
IR channel. I believe that fact that it is a separate check box and not
imbedded in the cleaning functions is an indicator that the ROC is not
IR channel dependent.
RE: The Minolta, if you want to get GEM to operate you will have to get
the scanner with an IR channel. If the company does not advertise it
but advertises ICE, GEM, plus ROC, or a combination of them, the scanner
has an IR channel. I understand that the new Canon scanner (not sure if
it is available yet) has its own version of ICE and maybe GEM, apart
from ASF or Ed's. However, I am not too clear on this.
Pat Perez wrote:
> This is very interesting news indeed. Are these ASF
> functions from the Nikon SW, or Ed's own work-alikes?
> If the scrub and restore color feature's
> are Ed's, then it would seem the Minolta is the one to
> get.
> Pat
> --- Gordon Tassi <> wrote:
> > Pat: You do not give up GEM or ROC when using
> > Vuescan. Vuescan has its
> > own version of GEM and ROC. ROC is initiated with
> > the restore color
> > box, I believe in the color tab. If you select the
> > cleaning option of
> > either Scour and Scrub, you implement the GEM
> > function.
> >
> > Many of us are hoping that Ed Hamrick will
> > eventually separate the GEM
> > function from the cleaning functions with a separate
> > selection box or
> > drop down..
> >
> > Gordon
> >
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