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Re: filmscanners: Polaroid 4000 dpi

Seems to me the easy way to test is take a blank piece of mounted slide 
film, draw a bunch of grid lines on it with a thin marker, (or use a 
sharp razor knife and embed the lines) and then scan it.  No camera lens 
involved, so the whole field of the slide should have equal focus.


EdHamrick@aol.com wrote:

> It still isn't clear if the edge-to-edge focusing issue is caused by
> the lens of the camera taking the test images or if it's caused by
> a limited depth of field of the LS-4000.
> An easy way to test this would be to scan a dusty negative at
> 4000 dpi and then seeing if the dust spots are equally focused
> at the edges as in the center.  Doing this test with both negatives
> and slides would be interesting (slides seem to have more of a
> bow sometimes than negatives).


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