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Re: filmscanners: Microtek 1850S drivers

I don't know how old that scanner is, but there is a wide difference 
between companies and industries with regard to support of discontinued 
products. I told a power tool company to stop sending me their catalog 
after they discontinued selling the proprietary batteries for a drill 
immediately after they stopped selling that model. A lot of letters of that 
type might help (Of course one lonely one won't do it). On the other hand, 
some companies stock and sell repair parts for products they sold 50 years 
ago. That can help customer loyalty.

At 03:24 PM 04/27/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>Before anyone thinks I've completely lost my mind, and moved from my 
>"darling" HP S-20 (soon to be replaced with a Minolta Dimage Dual II or 
>Canon FS2710 or ??) I should explain that I have just purchased a Microtek 
>1850s on ebay (for $10.50) which is in need of at least drivers and maybe 
>a repair or bulb replacement for my 10 year old nephew who is showing some 
>interest in computer graphics.
>The problem is Microtek.  This scanner is one of the early film scanners 
>that went to market (original list price $2100 US!).  It would appear 
>Microtek would prefer to forget it ever existed, and has no support 
>whatsoever on line (or elsewhere) for it.  I have tried Microtek US, 
>Taiwan, Japan and China.  Microtek Europe (out of Holland) has some info 
>and some Scanwizard upgrades which "might" work.
>So, here's my request. Does anyone have the software drivers (preferably 
>both WIN and Mac, but if not at least Mac) for this beast?  How about 
>twain drivers, or instruction manual, or bless my lucky stars, a repair 
>manual or parts list??  Or failing all that, someplace I can go on the web 
>to try to find further info?
>Any suggestions beyond "why the heck did you buy that piece of *%$#"
>would be most appreciated.
>Does Vuescan support the 1850S?
>PS: there might be a lesson to be gained from this tale.  How long before 
>Mictrotek decides their SS 4000 equivalent is "too old" to support?
>Hmmm...ingway?  ;-)


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