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Re: filmscanners: Best Buy for $500 or so

At the risk of being self-contradictory, I'd suggest you toss Acer Scanwit
(2720S and 2740) into the mix for comparisons. It's a bit "quirkey" and can
occasionally drive you up the wall and across the ceiling, but it also does
an very good job on well-exposed film, particularly slides, and is fairly
easy to use.

The 2740 also has IR, which has gotten "mixed reviews" but has been spoken
highly of by at least one user on this list (I've used the 2720S for about a
year). Prices are about $400US for the 2700S and $500US for the 2740.

Best regards, and good luck--LRA

------Original Message------
From: Arthur Entlich <artistic@ampsc.com>

If that's $500 US, I suggest you consider the Canon FS-2710 or Minolta
Dimage Dual II, both under $500 new.

Used or refurb, you might find a Nikon LS-30, which has only one
advantage I can think of, which is digital ICE, a method for suppressing
dirt and scratches on the surface of color or chromographic (color film
based) B&W films (doesn't work on regular B&W negs or very well on

The Canon and Nikon use a SCSI interface, the Minolta a USB.

Image quality is quite similar overall.  The Canon and Nikon use a 2700
dpi CDC, the Minolta 2820 dpi.


DeVries wrote:

> Sorry if this is a often asked question, but what 35mm film scanner does
> the list recommend for $500 or so?  Refurbished units don't scare me if
> they have a warranty.
> Dave

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