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Re: filmscanners: What causes this and is there any easy solution ?

The projector you have is typical of many of the time period, but I'm 
not sure what that time period is. I'm guessing late 1930's to mid 
1950's. Some have a metal plate with patent numbers and dates on them if 
you look carefully. I used to be able to pick them up for $5 at 
Goodwill.  They usually use either a backlight or metal straight line 
slide tray, or use none and you had to do a left hand right hand manual 
feeding via the contraption that fed the slides.

They usually had no fan, just a black baffle at the top, if that, going 
to venting holes) so the bulb would heat up the thing to a very high 
level, making it dangerous to touch.  I'm not so sure it was good for 
the slides either, although some used a heat absorbing glass between the 
lamp and the condenser lens.

I imagine if you keep it long enough it will become a true collectors 
item, as I'm sure many have now reached the landfill.  I finally 
dismantled several of mine and kept the lenses and condensers and other 
interesting parts.  I just ran out of room for them.  I guess with 
people like me, the value of yours will go up ;-)

Those older lenses were, as you mention, often better than the current 
ones provided with most projectors.  Some were even German made.


Steve Greenbank wrote:

> As mentioned in a previous message the projector does display the grain, but
> there is so little in Velvia that at 40x60 you still have to look hard and
> get within 16 inches to see it. Some slides like early Fujichrome 400 the
> grain is obvious from 15 feet.
> The projector is a relic made entirely of steel and cast iron! It's probably
> worth many times it's original purchase value. It was quite old when it was
> given to my Dad. He had it for around 20 years before I appropriated it by
> stealth, as a poor student, 20 years ago.
> It was made by Aldis.
> The lens is an Aldis Star Anastigmat 100mm.
> I have never thought it was stunning, but it was better than the modern
> alternatives I have seen. The one thing that did worry me was it runs
> extremely hot (you can only touch the body for a brief moment before
> burning). But the slide carrier and the lens are on steel rails that allow
> you to move the slide about an inch from the body and in this position the
> slides only get slightly warm and I certainly don't see the slide adjust
> focus as the film bends in the heat- something that I have seen quite often
> on modern projectors.
> Steve
> PS Can anyone date the projector ? It has a gun metal finish.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Arthur Entlich" <artistic@ampsc.com>
> To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
> Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2001 9:55 AM
> Subject: Re: filmscanners: What causes this and is there any easy solution ?
>> My experience as well.  The lenses Kodak provides for their projectors
>> are very "forgiving" should we say.
>> My Navitar Gold lenses certainly "define" what I'm looking at.
>> Art
>> John Matturri wrote:
>>> Haven't been following this thread all that closely so this may have
>>> been covered. But what lens are you using for your projections? If it is
>>> a lens supplied with most projectors the poor quality might be a masking
>>> factor. The difference between one of these lenses and a Buhl or similar
>>> projection lens is pretty substantial.


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