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Re: filmscanners: What causes this ... projection

> >I felt that the test onto the paper would also show
> >more clearly what the scanner sees.
> I am afraid that I do not see the logic of this.  I do not see how the
> projection of a slide onto smooth paper would simulate a scan; I can see
> point of comparing the projection onto smooth paper versus the projection
> onto a projection screen.  I think you may be making a number of
> assumptions.

There may be unwarranted assumptions but it was never meant to be a
scientific experiment- hence I "felt".

The reason I suspect the paper is more representative of the scannner is:

1)  All screens are made this way and I would have thought it would be
cheaper to manufacturer it flat. Manufacturers obviously texture the surface
to improve the image. Whereas the scanner is just reporting what it sees.

2) The scanner looks at a flat surface (if you scan the right surface) so I
just felt that viewing the output on a flat surface would be more



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