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RE: filmscanners: Fast, decent, low res scans

Philippe wrote:
> Say you have a portfolio of 35mm slides.  On short notice you
> are asked to scan two hundred of them and burn them onto CD,
> low res.  What would be a good scanner and workflow for
> creating the actual low res JPEGs?  What are good ways to make
> FAST, DECENT, LOW RES SCANS of 35mm slides?

I don't know of any scanner which reliably batch feeds lots of slides. 
Nikon made a feeder mechanism for the LS2000 but it was said to jam frequently.
 I haven't heard whether there's a reliable unit for the LS4000.

> What's the best way, in your opinion, to make lots of low
> res scans quickly?

Use APS film. :)  I was astonished when I got the adapter for my LS30 and
was able to put a film in and walk away while the scanner scanned every

>*** Does the scanner you recommend come bundled with software that would
>allow me to crop and set Auto Levels without entering Photoshop?  The scan
>doesn't have to look great, but it does need to be cropped and have some
>kind of levels set automatically; an "auto levels" option would be great.
>Maybe the scanner you have in mind doesn't come with a good software bundle,
>but will work with Vuescan, for instance.

You might still be able to get an LS30 somewhere, or the LS40 isn't horrifically
expensive.  You'd have to feed the slides manually, but it's quicker than
the mechanisms on the Canon or Polaroid scanners.  Using Vuescan you could
automate most of the process of getting a decent low res scan, and with
Vuescan set to a lower resolution, the Nikon will scan faster.  If the films
are in strips rather than mounted, your options are even better.  The film
strip feeder means you can batch scan strips.  The newest Nikons have an
adapter which is supposed to be able to scan an entire film provided it
hasn't been cut down!

> *** The cheaper, the better.  If it's in the area of $150,
> we may be able to get 2 or 3 of them, so if one scanner is
> being used, a second will be available.

I seriously doubt you will get "decent" results out of anything that cheap.
 There are flatbeds out there where you can put a large number of slides
in a tray and batch scan them, but I don't know how good the results would
be compared to a Nikon filmscanner.


Rob Geraghty harper@wordweb.com


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