I have the Scan Elite and have used both the Twain and stand alone DS Elite
program. I believe you had a choice at step 10 (my copy of the manual) of
installation instructions. It was choose either "typical" or "Twain File".
If you chose "Twain File" that was all you loaded, if you chose "typical"
you got both.
I can't really help on the installation to W2K as I am using W98se. I will
add though that when I start the scanner with the computer already
operating, by refreshing the SCSI card in Device Manager, it shows up under
'other devices" as Minolta #2885 with a yellow question mark at the "other
devices tab" and a yellow exclamation mark at "Minolta #2885". Never the
less every thing seems to work correctly, and has since I first installed
8Feb2000. When you installed it did you have the scanner turned on before
you started the computer?
Bob Wright
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Moore <miguelmas@qwest.net>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 10:44 PM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: Minolta in W2K
> Pat: I have a Minolta Elite (since last November)... The only way I use
> it is thru PShop as a twain import... I scan mostly Fuji Reala negs, set
> the scanner up for 16 bit 2 or 4 pass scan with DIce on, max resolution
> (unless I just want some quick lo res scans for proofs), color match RGB
> space, then hit the go button and let it scan the image into PShop as a
> negative, where I then invert it, adjust the brightness in the LAB color
> space, then retrurn to RGB to adjust levels (with the eyedroppers, since
> this makes it a more accurate tweak)... The few transparencies I have
> scanned I also Twain into Pshop.... I just checked my programs pop-up
> bar, looked at the Minolta bar, and all it has is the help and remove...
> I believe it was made to be used as a TWAIN import device and not
> stand-alone...
> Mike M.
> Pat Perez wrote:
> > I sold my Canoscan 2710 recently in order to get a
> > Minolta Dimage Scan Elite. I really wanted the Digital
> > ICE. I tried loading the software and it wouldn't
> > recognize the device. This was odd, since Vuescan saw
> > it just fine (and doesn't depend upon TWAIN support).
> > I emailed Minolta support, who told me to uninstall
> > Vuescan and try again. Uh huh. Anyway, I mentally put
> > it on the back burner until today, and saw that there
> > was a dialog box being hidden during the SW install
> > that asked for my W2K CD. I provided the disc,
> > rebooted, and the same problem continues.
> >
> > On a lark, I tried acquiring an image with Photoshop 5
> > LE, and lo and behold, it launches the Minolta SW just
> > fine, and seems fully functional, so at least I know I
> > *can* use the Minolta SW, albeit in a roundabout way.
> >
> > Does anyone here have any suggestions on how to try to
> > resolve this so that I can launch the Minolta SW
> > directly?
> >
> > Pat
> >
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