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Re: filmscanners: LS4000 slide removed from mount

At 16:17 -0400 05/30/01, Ray Amos wrote:

>Greetings,     Has anyone using the new Nikon LS4000 had experience
>removing a slide from the mount to get more of the image?  Best way.
>Any problems with buckling or focus?  Occasionally I crop too tight in
>the camera and my 1v allows no room for error with it's 100%
>viewfinder.  I am speaking mostly for images already taken that cannot
>be recomposed.  I now try to allow for the loss of edges.      Ray Amos

ya, I've done that. same situation too. I was a bit concerned with 
the plastic slide mount and how it'd come apart, but it snapped open 
without a hassle and I could reseal it again without a problem. This 
was with whatever the standard 'Fuji Provia' slide mounts are. No 
sweat. I mounted the single frame into the strip film holder (FH-3?) 
and got a full frame scan from it. Worked great.

Dieder Bylsma                 |


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