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filmscanners: RE: filmscanners-digest V1 #258

If you have the motorized SA-20 film strip holder installed, you must remove
it an insert the MA-20 Slide mount adapter. The FH-2 goes into the MA-20. I
use my modified FH-2 to get to the edge of the film (a little closer than
the SA-20). 

Jack Phipps
Applied Science Fiction

-----Original Message-----
From: JSchrader@aol.com [mailto:JSchrader@aol.com]
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 4:02 AM
To: $SENDER@punt1.cix.co.uk
Cc: Jack Phipps
Subject: Re: filmscanners-digest V1 #258

I have the FH-2 film strip holder, that came with my LS2000, but for the
of me I can't figure how to insert it into the machine! It came without 
directions. Does anyone know where I can get the directions for this 
attachment? What is it's purpose? Since I can feed negative strips into the 
machine, why do I need the FH-2. Can anyone enlighten me?


        Jerry Schrader www.JerrySchrader.com

In a message dated 5/31/01 2:09:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
owner-filmscanners@lists.cix.co.uk writes:

> Yes, I filed the black plastic on one frame of my FH-2 strip film holder.
>  have to carefully position the negative in the holder to be able to see
>  "gutters" on both ends


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