The film sizes for 120 and 620 are the same; it is only the spools that were
different and which accounted for the change in product number.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Lynn Allen
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 7:46 AM
Subject: Re: OT: Re: filmscanners: open and control
Rich wrote:
>Can you still get 620 film?
AFIAK you can. It's what a Hasselblad uses or used to use, if I'm not
mistaken. I think 120 film is interchangable, but maybe not in all cameras.
Best regards--LRA
On 07 Jun 2001 16:01:12 EDT
Richard Starr wrote:
>--- You wrote:
>The Super Six-20 was a folding camera, if I'm not mistaken. If that's what
>is talking about, it's pretty rare and worth at least $1000, according to
>book. In that case, I'd *definitely* like to take a look at it! :-)
>Best regards--LRA
>--- end of quoted material ---
>I was taking about the Medalist II as it turns out. I checked Ebay and
>are running for a couple of hundred dollars as it appears.
>Can you still get 620 film?
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