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Re: filmscanners: VueScan and SprintScan 120

WOW... I used to hear about reports of software causing hardware 
failures, and I always thought they were a bit like half of the virus 
warnings... urban myth...  But I do suppose with so much of the 
electronics/mechanics now controlled through firmware or software, that 
a voltage change or repeated action could do some damage.


EdHamrick@aol.com wrote:

> If you have a SprintScan 120, I recommend you not use
> VueScan 7.0.26 or 7.0.27 with it.  I've gotten two reports
> that VueScan kills the scanner, probably popping an internal
> fuse.
> I'm urgently releasing a version of VueScan that will
> disable all commands to the SprintScan 120 until I can
> get Polaroid/Microtek to figure out what's wrong.
> Regards,
> Ed Hamrick


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