my ls-2000 recently fell just a tiny bit out of mechanical calibration
causing a very short grinding noise at the end of the scan as the
scanning aparatus runs out of space to move. this introduces a smear on
one side of the image. i'm also worried that it's not good for the
stepper motor.
i don't want to send the scanner back to nikon for repairs. is there a
way that i can adjust the scanning aparatus? or maybe the problem is
with the SF-200 slide feeder that i'm using. a glance shows the slide
perfectly centered when loaded in the SF-200. but i still get the short
turning the scanner on/off doesn't help this as you'd expect.
i'm hoping there's some screw i can turn to make minute adjustements on
the scanning field.
j u l e s @ p o p m o n k e y . c o m