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filmscanners: SS4000: calibrate and profile?

I've added a Polaroid SprintScan 4000 to my desktop (w/o trying to 
level it 8). And installed both Polaroid's PolaColor Insight Pro 
(4.5) software and LaserSoft Imaging's Silverfast 5 software. Both 
were bundled. Silverfast 5 includes an IT-8 calibration module, which 
includes profiling. A C-ROES IT-8 target slide is also bundled. And 
you can download from <silverfast.com> an Ian Lyons tutorial on how 
to use Silverfast to calibrate your SS4000 and use its profile.

I'd appreciate any advice about whether to calibrate and profile my 
SS4000. And, if so, whether to do it via Silverfast or some other 
software such as <ProfileCity.com>'s ICC Scan, which plays nicely 
with a variety of IT-8 targets, including Kodak's, which I have.

In case it matters, I'll be scanning mostly old Kodachrome, 
Ektachrome, and Fujicrome slides for personal archives and for 




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