At 13:22 20/06/01 -0400, you wrote:
>You should consider joining a CoolPix 990 forum, like:
>Issues like this are discussed on a somewhat regular basis. I figured out
>how to use my studio strobes with my CoolPix during the first week I owned
>the camera about a year ago. I used a small external flash pointed away
>from the subject (with the internal flash turned off) to set off my DynaLights.
Thanks for the link
>Not much to do with Viewing Software.
No possibly not -that just happened to be the subject on the mail I used
and forgot to remove the subject . I will disregard the sarcasm in your
>>I am presently considering the purchase of a digital camera . I do some
>>glamour stuff and use studio lghts utiliising an infr-red trigger . i
>>had been looking st a Nikon Coolpix 995 brochure and it only mentions the
>>use of a Speedlight ,both built in and separate . What I was wondering is
>>if anyone has one of these cameras or its predecessor and knows if
>>normal external flash units can be used . I appreciate nikon trying to
>>promote its own products but If only Speedlights can be used then it
>>looks like Nikon are going to lose a sale .
>Larry Berman