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RE: filmscanners: LED Illumination for Film Scanners

> Austin wrote (re selective burning w/film scanners)

> >If you could make it very very dense and were able to calibrate
> it somehow
> >(which is an big task in and of it self to calibrate a 2d area this size
> >with sufficient resolution), possibly, but I believe it won't work very
> >well in a real implementation.  You have to diffuse the LEDs in order to
> >make them illuminate evenly, but in doing so, individual LED
> coverage will
> >overlap substantially, as well as their area of coverage
> becoming larger.
> >This means your area of control becomes much smaller.
> I think you may be unnecessarily complicating the problem. Let's say
> software and the scanner driver

Oops...I think you took this in the wrong context.  My discussion was aimed
at enlargers using LEDs as a light source, not scanners.  Enlargers require
a 2d array, not a 1d array.  With the scanner, it is very easy to calibrate
along the 1d axis...and the points are discrete.  For an enlarger, they are
not discrete...and they are 2d.


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