I have used http://www.photobox.co.uk and found their Fuji Frontier glossy
prints (upto 10x15) match my screen even better than my Epson 1270.
I later tried A2 matte output for which the use the Durst Epsilon this
produced very neutral results but the pictures were very flat. When I
complained they were very helpful and immediately reprinted them to more
closely match the Frontier output. Apparently they use PC's for the
Frontiers and Macs for the Epsilon. The second set of prints were much
better. In future they have set up my account to automatically test print on
the Frontier and then they will match it on the Epsilon.
Now I am pretty confident I can get good accurate digital prints and its
backed up with good service - very rare in the UK. As I stated previously
you have to be extremely careful about any noise/defects as the lasers don't
half highlight them.
Do Like:
the results
the service - I phoned several times before I did anything and they
were extremely patient and helpful
multiple print discounts on several prints of the same size
next day service for Frontier (Royal Mail willing) - apparently upto 5
days Epsilon (matte particularly slow)
What I don't like is:
they don't seem to just print the file (although to date I have had a
pretty good match anyway)
if you use upload to their website you have to use jpegs (but 100%
isn't too bad)
you get a static 50Mb space on their website from which to print - not
much if you're printing A2's
matte is only available in a few advertised sizes + unadvertised
if you mail them a CD they add £5 to your bill
Any one tried http://www.peak-imaging.com/ they use a similar set-up but no
Macs, but they don't charge for CDs so you can mail them TIFFs. They also do
many more print sizes, gloss or matte,slightly cheaper but take longer, only
give multiple discounts for the same image same size and were less helpful
when I phoned them.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gordon Tassi" <gtassi@erols.com>
To: <filmscanners@halftone.co.uk>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: why not digital minilabs?
> Lynn: I understand that the digital machines will also accept an image
that is
> given to them on a disk and that the machine can make the print from it.
> Wouldn't this allow you to controll all but the actual print process. You
do do
> all the adjustments in PS, or other similar program, first to get the
> Gordon
> Lynn Allen wrote:
> > Steve wrote:
> >
> > *There's* one very good reason for retaining total control--the lab will
> > the better print for the same price as the bad one, but you pay for both
> > them. In your decision, you have to estimate how many of those you're
> > to have. Good luck. ;-)
> >
> >