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filmscanners: Film grain vs 2700 DPI scan resolution

I am a complete newbie at this photography/scanning stuff. After playing
with my camera, flatbed scanner and new Scanwit for a couple months now, I
have started to get a bit more serious about understanding what I am doing.

This week I shot some pictures using FUGI Super HG 200 bracketing the
exposure by 1 stop on either side of that recommended by the AE in my camera
(don't laugh - its my wifes Canon EOS Rebel 2000 w/EF 35-80mm, 1.4-5.6 lense
set at about 50mm w/UV Filter). These were noon time - bright sun light with
hard shadows - shots.

I had the film processed at a "better" camera shop and I then scanned them
in using Vuescan 7.1.4 and my Scanwith 2720S.

Looking at the images I see the effect I expected in brightness. I also see
what appears to be more grain in the underexposured images and less grain in
the over exposed images. Neither the low or high bracket shots loose detail
in shadows or highlights (the scenes I chose have a relatively narrow f stop
range of about 5 to 6 stops, ie., no hard shadows and no bright sky.)

Here are my questions:

1. With 200 film, is the grain "large" enough for the 2700 DPI to record it?
If so could some one describe it (or email me a couple scan clips showing

2. Would you expect 1 stop down to be enough to see serious increase in
grain in 200 film in these conditions?

This weekend I am going to repeat the tests with a couple rolls of FUGI
Provia 100F to see if the "noise" I am seeing FUGI 200 goes away.



"Newbie and proud of it!"


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