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Re: filmscanners: Nikon LS IV/Nikoscan 3.0

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Lynn Allen wrote:

> Is the criticism valid? Yeah, it is. And it's fixable, too. Have I seen 
> anybody trying to do so, lately? Nuh-uh. AFAIC, the mfgrs are just cutting 
> to deep to be competitive--they're cutting the product, cutting the user, 
> and ultimately cutting themselves, IMHO.

With all due respect, Lynn -- your comments, 
while valid (as usual) are beside the point.

I could, if I chose to, indulge in all sorts 
of brand-bashing.  I've tried to stay on good 
behavior and avoid that.  It serves no purpose.

Whatever my issues may be with Nikon -- 
and I've been very blunt about them -- 
I've learned nothing on this list that 
will help me deal with those issues.

Where I've discovered problems with my 
Nikon, and subsequent workarounds, I've 
shared this knowledge with the list.

A discussion on technical merits is 
what I expect. Recitations of unfounded, 
inflammatory opinions, alleged regional 
allegiances, pop-psychology and broad 
generalizations serve no useful purpose.

rafe b.


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