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filmscanners: focus problems with LS2000

I'm baffled by  a new set of problems with my LS2000. I'm using 
Vuescan 7.5.1, Silverfast 4.2.7 r0.5 & NikonScan 2.5.1.

With NikonScan run as a plug-in or as a stand alone app I can use my 
bulk slide feeder SF200 & the focus is OK (exposure isn't but then it 
never was with NikonScan). So the hardware must be OK?

With Silverfast I can do individual scans with the MA20 which are 
fine but with the bulk feeder the scans are all seriously out of 
focus. I mean miles out! I can reset the focus manually (to zero) & 
get results that are merely poorly focused (mounts vary, film stock 
varies, mechanical inaccuracies) but on any of the autofocus settings 
it is completely useless.

With Vuescan I can do everything except get a sharp (focused) output 
when using the SF200.

I have recently upgraded my G3 rev1 266 desktop from system 8.6 to 
system 9 but restarting from the old 8.6 system doesn't cure the 

Any ideas out there?

David Hoffman
   David Hoffman Photo Library

  phone +44 (0)20 8981 5041 fax  +44 (0)20 8980 2041

  Photography is a fad well nigh on its last legs, thanks largely to 
the bicycle craze.
  Alfred Stieglitz 1897.


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