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Re: filmscanners: PS 6.0 v. PS 5.0 LE v. Jasc Paintshop Pro 7.02

I use Photoshop, but only because I bought it (student edition) before
Photoshop Elements came out.  If I were starting now, I'd use Photoshop
Elements.  I think the additional features that I'm aware of in the full
Photoshop system (color space managementm etc.) are more useful for a
professional working for a print publication than my hobby use.

Paintshop Pro is very good for the money, and can even do some things that
are very difficult in Photoshop, but after using Photoshop for a while, I
think it's generally more powerful; and I think the price advantage is
gone or nearly gone with the inroduction of Photosop Elements.

Photoshop LE: I can't recall exactly what I found lacking in this, but I
do recall that looking at the features, it wasn't good enough for me.  I
think Elements is a much better low-entry offering than LE was.

Terry Carroll       |  "Denied."
Santa Clara, CA     |      Baltimore Ravens v. Bouchat, no. 00-1494,
carroll@tjc.com     |      (U.S. Supreme Court, May 21, 2001)
Modell delendus est |      


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