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Re: filmscanners: Nikon 8000ED

> BTW, a few times the
>> Silverfast software has not recognized my scanner, but then I start up
>> Polaroid's software, and then try it with Silverfast's again and it does
>> recognize it.  Next time it happens I'm going to contact Silverfast with the
>> details.  (I'm working on a Macintosh G4).

As with the Nikon version of SilverFast AI LaserSoft need to use parts of
Insight core driver. Sometimes when SilverFast falls over; usually when you
change film format or the preferences get corrupted. The only way round it
is to start Insight and all the problems clear. Don't remove Insight or
SilverFast will scream its head off. I'm not sure why they didn't bundle the
relevant files with SilverFast as they do with the version for Nikon units
(they supply about 70% of NikonScan (maid file and all the profiles) as a
second install that overwrites the original)

Ian Lyons


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